Thursday, June 25, 2015


It seems that some times I bounce between projects, while at other times, I put all projects on the back burners as I concentrate on one. Right now, I'm sort of juggling five projects.  The first is a recital. I've been working on this recital for years.  It seems like every three or four months I change some of the repertoire. I think I've got my program settled, but who knows? Then, I've got a project dealing with musical adaptations of Moby-Dick.  Beyond that, I'm working on a program of piano music composed by people with physical and mental disabilities. This, I hope, will turn into a long-term project. There is also a novel I'm plugging away at.  I consider this as much therapy as creative writing. Finally, I'm slowly developing my personal take on the Great American Songbook.  

As frustrating as it is, getting around to everything, it's nice to wake up each morning with some project to look forward to.  

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